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Koi on Aqua
Mixed Media
76x76 cm
£ 850.00

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Lily Greenwood

Brought up in rural Cumbria, Greenwood now works from her Manchester studio to create art that reflects her fascination with nature, notably colourful butterflies. Influenced by 18th century Japanese printmakers Hokusai and Hiroshige, she is inspired by the strong colours and intricate patterns employed in kimono design.

Greenwood uses collage to build up clusters of delicate butterflies. She creates what she calls ’source’ paintings that are then reproduced and cut out to form the collage element of her work. She applies these to canvas painted in acrylic and then washes over them in ink, finishing the work with a gloss varnish to give it an opulent lustre and depth of colour.

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023 8063 4875